Ten well-known and emerging fashion designers have each created a uniquely sustainable piece for Fashion Week. These fabulous creations were premiered at the KITX in Conversation event on Wednesday the 8th of May 2024 and will be on display throughout the International Towers at Barangaroo (Tower Two and Tower Three) for the duration of Australian Fashion Week 13th-17th of May 2024. This project was organised by Arts-Matter and International Towers.

“Return to the Sea” 2024
Upcycled denim cotton, upcycled toy stuffing, and repurposed human hair.

Return to the Sea explores various nuances of marine life whilst exploring ideas of femininity through subtle nods to Botticelli’s painting, The Birth of Venus.

The monochromatic design feature invites the audience to purely focus on the construction and details of the silhouette whilst allowing the qualities of the upcycled fabrication to be easily understood and embraced.

It’s as though you can almost hear the call of the ocean through the spiralled cuffs, the intertwined plush sharks, the scallop shells on the bust and bodice, and the starfish applique.